HomeFacilitiesInstrumentsUser InstrumentsElectron and Optical Microscopy

Electron and Optical Microscopy

CCMR operates world-class electron microscopes in Duffield Hall, Bard Hall, and the Clark/PSB Complex.
Basic EM categories are below, with unique capabilities noted (click on the instrument name below for more information):

Scanning Electron Microscopy
> Zeiss Gemini 500 Scanning Electron Microscope: General purpose SEM in Clark Hall; high resolution imaging at low and ultra-low accelerating voltages.
> Zeiss Sigma 500 Scanning Electron Microscope: The Zeiss Sigma 500 SEM is general purpose SEM in Bard Hall; high resolution imaging at low and ultra-low accelerating voltages, EBSD and EDS capabilities.
> Tescan Mira3 FESEM: General purpose SEM in Bard Hall, plus EDS capabilities.
> LEO 1550 FESEM (Keck SEM): General purpose SEM in Clark Hall, plus EDS

Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM/STEM)
High Resolution STEM
> FEI Titan Themis CryoS/TEM (60-300kV): high resolution room temperature and cryo S/TEM, in Physical Sciences Complex
> Thermo-Fisher Kraken STEM: high resolution STEM, world-class atom-scale EELS imaging in Duffield Hall
> Thermo Fisher Spectra 300 STEM 30-300kV (Andromeda): high resolution STEM in Duffield Hall
> Thermo Fisher Titan 300 S/TEM 60-300kV (Perseus): high resolution STEM in Duffield Hall
> Thermo Fisher Talos Arctica TEM: Cryo-TEM optimized for single particle cryoEM and cryo-tomography in Physical Sciences Complex
> Thermo Fisher Krios TEM: 300kV Cryo-TEM at Rutgers University, for single particle cryoEM and cryo-tomography
> FEI Tecnai 12 BioTwin TEM: screening and general purpose TEM in Physical Sciences Complex
> More information about cryoEM at CCMR
> FEI Tecnai 12 BioTwin TEM: screening and general purpose TEM in Physical Sciences Complex

Sample preparation tools
> FEI Strata 400 STEM FIB: General purpose FIB for nano-sectioning and TEM sample preparation plus cryo-stage, in Physical Sciences Complex
> Thermo Fisher Helios G4 UX Focused Ion Beam: High-resolution FIB for sample prep in Duffield Hall.
> Microtomes, sputter coaters, polishers, etc. in various facilities

Optical Microscopy
> Olympus general purpose imaging microscopes in Duffield Hall

Other Microscopy
> For scanned probe microscopy, click here
> For spectroscopic microscopy, click here

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