HomeFacilitiesCCMR Shared Facility Policies

CCMR Shared Facility Policies

The Cornell Center for Materials Research operates Shared Facilities to enable and facilitate scientific research, particularly in the area of materials science and engineering. The CCMR Shared Facilities are open to all researchers performing non-classified research from within and beyond Cornell University.

CCMR Shared Facilities comply with Cornell regulations, applicable federal, state, and local regulations, University Health and Safety Board requirements, and other university health and safety standards, detailed in the PDF below. User fees are charged to all users to offset the costs incurred in providing scientific equipment and technical expertise.

Using CCMR FOM and CCMR instrumentation:

  • To use a particular instrument, a researcher is required to have been trained by facility staff unless specifically posted otherwise. An unauthorized researcher and anyone knowingly granting access to such person is in violation.
  • Users are not allowed to share login IDs/passwords, or to reserve or enable an instrument on behalf of another user.
  • Instrumentation must be reserved and enabled by the intended user prior to and during use.
  • Disabling or circumventing instrument interlocks for the purpose of avoiding instrument permissions or machine time charges is strictly forbidden.
  • Users are not to move or disturb the work of other researchers unless given permission by facility staff or the researcher. Notify facility staff about unattended samples.
  • Users are expected to remove all samples and to leave the work area in as clean or cleaner condition compared to when they arrived.


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