X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), also known as electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA), is a surface analysis technique which enables compositional and chemical analysis of materials. Sensitive to 0.1 atomic%, standard analysis includes quantitative elemental analysis as well as chemical bonding information and is possible on a variety of samples (films, polymers, ceramics, powders, etc.). Our XPS systems are capable of a variety of additional techniques including:
- Ion sputtering for depth profiling or contaminant removal
- HeI and HeII ultraviolet sources for UPS analysis (valence band information and work functions possible)
- In situ sample tilting for near-surface depth analysis (angle resolved XPS or ARXPS)
- Air-free sample transfer pucks for loading directly from glove box
- Elemental or chemical imaging

Our primary XPS instrument is a Thermo Scientific Nexsa G2 Surface Analysis System.
Users can submit samples for XPS measurement by our staff, or be trained to operate the system independently.
XPS Sample Submission:
Samples can be submitted in Clark D21. Include a sample submission form with your sample.
Provide as much information as possible about the information you want from the measurement. If you want a more complex measurement (depth profiling, area mapping, UPS, etc.), contact the instrument manager before submitting samples.